
Welcome to the land of Clootielugs where squirrels, rabbits and their like rule the roost. I love to make and sew and find inspiration from many sources although nature in its many forms tends to be the thing that fires my imagination most often!

You can see and purchase many of my creations on Folksy:

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

R.I.P Rabbie

Our beloved cat Rabbie died suddenly and unexpectedly this week. He suffered a thrombosis when he was out hunting and was found and was brought home to us by a kind neighbour. He tried really hard to fight on but it wasn't to be. We are all really sad but will always remember his star quality and spirit. He was something of a lothario and was the proud father of many kitties. He didn't speak to me for a week after I insisted upon a little visit to the vets! Rabbie was a legendary traveller and would disappear for days (once months!) at a time, always returning in marvellous form having clearly conned some other soul into feeding and caring for him! He suffered several indiginities at the hands of my children when they were younger and has been seen bedecked in Barbie pink maribou feathers, Christmas hats and various hair accessories. He taught my dog to swear (terribly!) and would then sit back and watch her getting into trouble. Lucy (the Westie) loved him desperately and he tolerated her like the fool he thought she was! To celebrate Rabbies life, this weeks Folksy Friday is dedicated to his numberous escapades...

To start; a pair of
earrings that capture
both his 'stud' status
and his many
reproductive successes!
Have a look at these from Fluffstuffs

Almost as much as the ladies, Rabbie loved a soft
snuggly blanket to curl up on,
...this one from FunkyBeans is intended for a baby..

Yes, he would have been
made to wear this if
middle daughter had her way - before
grabbing it for herself! From Bella D'Luna

Very useful for any traveller!
I don't know where he'd have
pinned them though!
Find your way to Hats Outrageous...

Because he was an exceedingly furry fat cat!
In a great choice of colours from Art;ordable

And we loved him!

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Summer's been a lot of fun...and very productive! I've had very good results from craft fairs and festivals. Sold lots and made great contacts too! School holidays are now over here so I've more time to browse as well as make. What to theme this weeks Folksy Friday? Well, we had an unexpected visitor to the garden last week...it looked like a huge wasp so at first we supposed it was a hornet.

Here's a picture of the thing, although not the actual one we saw as I didn't have my camera to hand (too busy running!).
Apparently however this is wood wasp and not harmful despite appearances! What looks like a huge stinger is infact an egg tract which it uses to inject its eggs deep into the wood of tree trunks. It lives amongst conifer trees, which makes sense as there are many of those around us. The one we had in the garden measured about one and half inches long, not including the pointy-egg-sting. A fascinating but quite alarming creature. Anyhow, this gave me the idea for my theme for this weeks Folksy Friday, - 'Stingers' or 'All things stingy!' Here's my favourites of what I found after a quick browse on Folksy today;

A stingy nipper but isn't it cute neverthless? One of the lovely makes from Mirribeads. http://www.folksy.com/shops/Mirribeads

This titfer is made from blending 30% stinging nettles with 70% pure wool! Who'd have guessed?

I love this mobile, it's colours so pretty and fresh and even the jellyfish looks a friendly sort! Its the last one for sale apparently at Kirsty Elsons shop http://www.folksy.com/shops/kirstyelson

This striking cushion is made by Alice Cullen from vintage fabric handprinted with her own design. It makes wasps seem rather charming after all! http://www.folksy.com/shops/alicecullen

Isn't he a honey? (sorry!) He's got the cutest puffy wings too! Made by Socklings have a look at him and his friends at http://www.folksy.com/shops/Socklings