"Once upon a time there was woman who loved rabbits, and toadstools and tall, tall birch trees. She lived in a little house at the top of a steep, steep hill at the edge of a raggedy wood. The woman often walked in the raggedy woods with her faithful, but scruffy, terrier companion and together they would imagine the tales that the tall, tall trees could tell. One day the woman had an idea...perhaps she could use the many fabrics and threads that she had gathered over the years to tell the many stories of the woods. And so 'Clootielugs' was born, and with a lot of luck and plenty of big sticks..the woman and her dog lived happily ever after.
The End."
We all love a good story...and fairy stories are often our earliest experience of narrative. My favourite childhood tales have always been the traditional ones whose roots are steeped in darkly delicious European folktales of old. These tales convey messages which are both pratical and moral, and show the consequences for those who fail to take heed!
This week, having enjoyed another seller's treasury of Red Riding Hood creations, I felt inspired to make this little fabric collectable set. Now for sale in Clootielugs @Folksy it is created from my original drawings of each little character. Each figure is futher embellished with tiny embroidery work and additional clothing where appropriate. I have also made a felt drawstring pouch in which to store this thumb sized heirloom set!
So, now Fairytale obsessed, I then asked on the Folksy forums for sellers to show me their fairy tale inspired creations, and below is the wonderful selection I was shown...
First is this Cinderella themed shadow box art in mixed media. It features, amongst many things a pumpkin, a mouse, a star, and generous lashings of glitter! Find it in the very aptly named Folksy shop, 'The Grimm Exhibition'!
Next I have chosen this fabulous print by very talented Folksy artist,Tamara. Tamara's shop, 'Ink and Stylus' is full of the most detailed, ethereal, charming and colourful prints of her original drawings. In this 'Princess and Pea' inspired picture which Tamara has entitled 'Lazy Girl and the Chili Pepper', there is a tiny hidden chili pepper for you to spot! See if you can!

The next item is a lot of fun! Folksy maker, Heidi Blakesley, has a wonderful range of familiar and not-so-familiar characters created from recycled fabrics (often wool blankets) for sale in her shop, 'FeltFace'. I have selected Goldilocks to show today because I particularly love her porridge bowl! Isn't she great! Please pop over to FeltFace so you may appreciate Heidi's entire range!
Intended for Christmas I think these little hanging hearts have a charming fairytale feel to them. They make me think of Hansel and Gretal and Snow White..what do you think?
Created from felt with decorative buttons and hung on garden twine they are stylish enough for all year round! Folksy maker, 'Welsheggdesigns' has a lovely selection of humourous sock creatures as well as several pretty hanging heart decorations. Why not pop over for a browse?
Now I know that Lewis Carol's 'Alice in Wonderland' is not a traditional European folktale but I hope you will forgive my expansion of this week's theme and allow me to include this Mad Hatter hat by Folksy designer and forum fairy-godmother, Natalie from 'NOfKantsCurios'. Natalie has crocheted this splendid top hat style titfer in red and white yarns and decorated it with colour matched buttons. Natalie confesses this hat was partially inspired by "...my Dad, who used to wear a variety of hats, which I pinched off him whenever I had opportunity" !
My next item from Folksy sellers is this clever book cover bag from 'WhimsyWooDesigns'. I love this Japanese designed fabric! It is made up of images from different tales and has a real fantasy feel to it! This one will fit a book of up to 13 cms wide by 20 cms high and by 3 - 4 cms deep; but is also available in two larger sizes - Size 2 for larger books and Size 3 for thin A4 folders and ring binders. Maker Shirley Woosey also offers custom sized book bags, so if you need one to fit something special why not send her a message?

Lastly I have another artwork inspired by 'The Princess and the Pea'. This one is a little ACEO (Art Cards, Editions and Originals) from Folksy shop 'Artmagic'! Clever artist Polli gives her work a characterful quirky style and charm that makes her art so very distinctive and instantly heartwarming! This original mini work of art has been painted in watercolour paints with additional gold pen detailing. I LOVE the super tall cat with big pink bow!
Now children...time for bed...and remember, don't stray from the path.....