I found these beautiful vintage cotton reels recently and knew I wanted to use them decoratively.

Obviously designed for winding, I hit upon the idea of printing rhymes, snippets of stories and quotations onto strips of cotton to wind around the lovely reels.
I love lace and pretty things and have had a great time embellishing my strips of hand-dyed cotton with some muted and delicate lace which I had bought some time ago, just because I liked it! My first finished reel displays the perennial nursery favourite 'Hickory Dickory Dock'.

I am currently working on reels with a heart-warming quotation from Wizard of Oz and even a special festive design in time for Christmas shoppers!
I asked fellow Folksters to show me their nursery rhyme inspired creations...and here they are! They are great fun and all available to buy, just click on the shop links!
Natalie at
NOfKantsCurios has crocheted this sparkly red snood - perfect for a glamorous and modern Miss R. Hood! Those wolves had better look out!
Helen McCartney Designs is
the shop for nursery rhyme artwork with lots of pictures and illustrations inspired by children's stories. Many feature Helen's own little characters such as 'Ned', an adventurous teddy bear, and his friends! I like this Little Miss Muffet print, I don't blame little Miss M one little bit -that spider looks like trouble to me!

Staying with the spider theme I love these Incy Wincy hairslides by Folksy seller,
Merry Berry and the Little Panda! Even an arachnophobe like me has to admit
these are CUTE!

'Ladybird, Ladybird, Fly away home..' I always want to interupt this rhyme to shout: "Look under the frying pan Mrs Ladybird, look under the pan!" I'm certain mummy Ladybird and all her little ones were reunited in the end - I won't have it any other way! This sweet ladybird card from
DeesDesigns is just one in a birthday card set for sale in this maker Diane Burton's super card shop.

I think there are more than 'one, two, three, four, five..' little fishes on this bright and lively fabric covered notebook by talented Folksy seller
Dab and a Dash. Just the right size for little hands to hold and/or just perfect handbag-size for us older notetakers! With my sieve-like memory, writing notes to myself is becoming an all too frequent occurrence!

'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star' is, I think, my favourite nursery rhyme! It's so sweet and so is this pretty card by
Ello Designs. What a lovely way to thank someone or give to a special friend just because!

Now, earlier this year I acquired a new gentleman. My latest fella is loud, ginger and very very naughty. No, it's not Chris Evans (God forbid!) and Mr Clootie need not fear...my latest little lad is 'Albert' the kitten, seen here looking like butter wouldn't melt..

He's 8 months old now and quite the little adventurer! 'Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat where have you been?'.. more like '..What have you done?!'
Folksy maker
Phoebee Bee Bee makes lots of gorgeous cushions, amongst many other fab fabric creations. This is her 'Pussy Cat Pussy Cat' feather padded one - isn't it lovely?

They say great minds think alike so I can only assume that the creator behind Folksy shop
Off the Hook has indeed got a great mind! This wonderful crocheter is saving her pennies to fund a trip to India where she will undertake voluntary work at an orphanage. This little hickory dickory mouse is adorably cute! She also comes in pink! Here she is nibbling cheese...

Remember Rodger the Rabbit and his penchant for curvy redheads? Well this must be his brother Rodney! The creator of Rodney,
Jeansknattyknits, suggested he ought to 'run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run' but I think Rodney looks like a laid back kind of guy with the gift of the gab who would prefer to charm his way out of trouble! What do you think?

If you have a budding little 'Pat a cake, Pat a cake, baker's man' (or woman) at home why not treat them to a gorgeous apron by
PosySews? The fabric is inspirational and I only wish my cakes were as perfect as these!
With Hugs and Kisses Folksy shop is a magnet for little ones everywhere! Filled to the brim with the most delightful bright and characterful designs. Here you will find clocks, toy boxes, photo frames, toys,fantastic finger puppet sets and many many other wonderful creations! I've chosen to show a picture of a 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' clock..but I'd suggest popping along to the shop yourself to see the full range!

Lastly, myself and talented Folksy crafter Coatimundi are uncertain whether we can strictly call '
The Owl and the Pussycat' a nursery rhyme - so it's a good job this is
my blog and
I get to place the goalposts isn't it?!
Of course 'The Owl and the Pussycat' can be called a nursery rhyme - it tells of unlikely love and triumph over adversity, its combination of romance and utter nonsense is just what's needed in today's prosaic world! Coatimundi has even named her shop after the title of this famous tale and illustrations from the poem feature on a couple of her stunning pewter brooches as well as this peweter picture frame that would make a lovely Christening gift or birthday present.